Based on the results of a landmark study, "Learning Early about Peanut Allergy (LEAP)", published in The New England Journal of Medicine in February 2015 there is now overwhelming new evidence that introduction of peanuts very early in life dramatically reduces the risk of developing peanut allergy. The study convincingly showed that children who were given peanuts on a regular basis starting as soon as 4 months of age versus children who avoided peanuts completely had 5 times less likely chance of developing peanut allergy over the next 5 most important years (3.2% versus 17.2% respectively).
Given this evidence, there are now specific guidelines in place to evaluate and introduce peanuts to young children, especially less than 1 year.
The guidelines state that children who are at high risk of developing peanut allergy (i.e. eczema, egg allergy, siblings with food allergy, and overall family history of allergies, such as seasonal allergy in parents), should undergo skin-prick testing to peanut. Based on the results of the skin-prick testing, specific recommendations will be made to either avoid peanuts, or introduce peanuts based on a specific protocol, including dosage and frequency of consumption.
Dr. Patel and Dr. Updegraff are very exited to offer this peanut allergy evaluation and treatment plan to patients and their family members.